How can I change the background Image of my publication?

FAQs - Digital Publishing

How do I?

How can I change the background Image of my publication?

Log into your Publisher account by visiting the login page at: .

Log into your Publisher account by visiting the login page at this url: .

On this page you will see Four fields:

  1. Type
  2. User name
  3. Password
  4. Login.


If you not already registered at CreateMagazines, you can do so on registration page In the type field Click Publisher.


Enter your user name and password in the text field provided and Click Login.


Once you Log into your publisher account, you will see CreateMagazine's publisher control panel.


Now click Images button from the top menu to open the Images management page which lists all your uploaded images. Click on the Upload button to open image upload page.

On this page provide a Title for the Image you want to upload and select the Image file by clicking Browse. Select your Image file you want to upload from your local computer. After selecting Click Open and then Click Upload button next to browse to upload.

Please note your Image file needs to be one of the these three file types: jpeg, gif and png.


Now click Publications from the top menu to go back to the My Publications page where all your publications will be listed. Click on the Properties button next to the publication you want to apply this image to. It will Open the Edit Scheme page. Under the Edit Scheme page you will see Panel Section, Branding Section and Publication Properties links. Click Branding Section. In this section you will see background Image as the last option in the list. Click on the Select button next to the background Image. It will provide you with the list of Images you can choose from. Select the file. Click Next (on the Bottom of the list ) It will take you to the Publication Properties page.

Click Update ( at the bottom of the list) It will complete the process and will place your desired Image as the background of your publication.

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