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Portfolio : Open Dental

About Project

An all in one cloud based solution for managing Dental hospitals, clinics and associated treatments. Featureset includes managing Appointments, Patients, Treatments, Accounting, Doctors, Staff, Insurance claims, and many other features.

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  • Choosing framework for such a large application with 6 modules management
  • Creating a easy to use use User Interface (UI) for non-technical users (doctors, medical staff etc..).
  • Understanding medical terminology associated with dental treatments and implementing associated features.
  • Creating a project plan that ensures seamless integration across multiple modules.
  • Displaying Appointments and their booking on calendar, increasing/decreasing appointment time slots by dragging, drag & drop appointments on calendar, etc.
  • Insurance claims and their clearinghouses implementation.
  • Displaying treatments as overlays on teeth chart and implementing shifting, rotation, drawing, eraser, etc in a cloud application.
  • Implementing Electronic Prescription
  • Patient wise filling center implementation for online document management.


  • A cloud based solution developed using Symfony framework as being modular it keeps all modules separated. It made handling of large application easier with full control over performance optimization in terms of caching, page load.It uses ORM (Object Relational Mapping) to communicate with database by using Doctrine tool. Twig templating of view layers makes it more secure and enhance execution time as compared to Blade in Laravel.
  • Use of highly collaborative communication platform ensuring clear undertanding and quick flow of information.
  • jQuery based wdCalendar was used and customized to fit to our requirements.
  • Dentrix API used for clearinghouse.
  • HTML5 Canvas is used for image manipulation and supports shifting, rotation, drawing, eraser, etc, features that are required.
  • AllScripts API used for searching patient’s medical history and medicines from their database and retrieve drug information such as doses, formulae, etc which helps in creating Electronic Prescription to Doctors or Providers.
  • Elfinder tool customized for implementing Filling Center with many features such as File Uploading/Downloading, Tree Structure, File Viewer, User Access Rights management, etc.


An application delivered to client which allows creation of a new patient, appointment booking, planning of treatments on teeth, generation of complete teeth chart of treatment, insurance details of all patients with their claim history, reporting, etc.

Technologies Used