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Portfolio : DressMoi

About Project

This application is created for Fashion Designers and users to send fashion tips to users from their own wardrobe.

A Fashion application created for Fashion Designers and their followers. A complete guiding application for users on latest trends, what outfit to wear according to season, etc.

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Automatic Outfit generation algorithm based on rules created by advisor, from the products that are added in advisor’s wardrobe.


Used jQuery and CSS3 properties to maintain uniformity and device detection jQuery used for loading different css.
Searching Barcode (UPC code) of products on various product data source
The software life cycle process we have followed and built well this project.


An application delivered to client which allows its users to create companies, join company groups, send request to other employees to join, broadcast priority and SOS type post for share important information within company and send vote post for get employees opinion to particular topic. Mobile Application is also created for quick and easy to use this application.

Technologies Used